Online Resources

This page is dedicated to link to current resources available in the Diamond Community.

Here is an online feed listing Diamond Mining Companies in the world sorted by market capitalization

Twitters accounts:

Here is a twitter list you can subscribe to - Diamond resources - twitter feeds

Stornoway Diamonds -- @SWYDiamonds (9,724 followers) 
Diamond Bourse Canada -- @DiamondBourseCa (2,710 followers)
Lucara Diamond Corp -- @LucaraDiamond (2,662 followers)
De Beers Canada -- @DeBeersCanada (1,289 followers)
North Arrow Minerals -- @NARminerals (1,175 followers)
Dunnedin Ventures -- @DunnedinDVI (558 followers)
Lithoquest Diamonds -- @Lithoquest (482 followers)
Star Diamonds -- @StarDiamondCorp (70 followers)

De Beers -- @debeers (45.2k followers)
GIA - @GIAnews (40.7k followers)
De Beers Group -- @debeersgroup (16.8k followers)
Rapaport -- @Rapaport (9,814 followers)
Petra Diamonds -- @Petra_Diamonds (2,934 followers)
Petra Diamonds - IR -- @PetraDiamondsIR (297 followers)
Alrosa  -- @ALROSA_official (2,301 followers)
London Diamond Bourse -- @DiamondBourseUK (1,585 followers)
Gem Diamonds -- @GemDiamondsLtd (819 followers)
Botswana Diamonds -- @BotswanaDiamond (175 followers)

Edahn Golan -- @edahn (3,431 followers)
The Diamond Loupe --- @TheDiamondLoupe (2,825 followers)
Stockhouse ekim -- @EkimDiamonds (1,882 followers)
Paul Zimnisky -- @paulzimnisky (651 followers)

Web links:

Alto Ventures Ltd. -
Arctic Star Exploration Corp. - - @ArcticStarExpl
Anglo American - - @AngloAmerican
Diamcor Mining Inc. -
Lundin Group of Companies - - @LucaraDiamond
North Arrow Minerals Inc. - - @NARminerals
Olivut Resources Ltd. -
Petra Diamonds - - @Petra_Diamonds
Shore Gold Inc. -
Stornoway Diamond Corporation - - @SWYDiamonds
Talmora Diamond Inc. -
Tsodilo Resources Ltd -
True North Gems - - @true_north_gems