$SWY - Snapshot2

Stornoway Snapshot 2 Analysis

End of April...and wow...a lot has really changed since the last analysis. Clarity on cash on hand came to the different and was clearly different then my first analysis.

Operating cost for Renard:


"For FY2019, cash operating costs are estimated at $120 to $130 million, representing $47 to $54 per tonne processed or $57 to $72 per carat recovered. FY2019 capital expenditures are estimated at $70 to $80 million, principally related to the development of the underground mine at Renard."

Operating cost for Renard for 2019 ~CAD$125 million

Capital costs of CAD$70 million...that will continue every year as the ramp develops to the bottom of the current reserve base. Maybe less in future years? Assume CAD$70 million 2019 and $35 million after per year.
Cash and Receivables:

"As at December 31, 2018, cash and cash equivalents stood at $35.8 million. This amount excludes $13.7 million of restricted cash deposits related to debt service reserve accounts. "

Now? We need to look at the first quarter revenue and cost.
They had 2 tenders in the first quarter.
Here is SWY's hare after the stream (before any taxes or royalties)
(68102 x CAD$20) + (0.8 x 361,404 x 127) + (361,404 * 0.2 * (0.4*127))
Equals -- 1.36 million + 36.7 million + 3.68 million = CAD$41.7 million

Operating costs and capital costs are a bit harder to figure out....but lets give it a shot.
Operating costs are between CAD$57 to $72 per carat recovered for 2019 (estimate).  Assume CAD$65. So....costs for first quarter for diamonds actually sold = 429,509*CAD65 equals CAD$27.9 million.

Capital costs -- For 2019, on average, they are going to spend about CAD$6.5 million per month.
So, for the first quarter -- CAD$19.5 million.

Without taxes/royalties (but with stream included).
The cash flow so far = 41.7 - 27.9 - 19.5 million = Negative CAD5.7 million

Various Debt Payments due on March 31st -- CAD$1.4 million

On a conservative basis (no government royalties/taxes), we are looking at a cash burn of CAD$7.1 million in the first quarter.

So, cash as of April 1st, 2019 estimated to be around CAD$28.1 million.

On June 30th, they have roughly CAD$5 million debt payment...and the burn rate for the quarter will probably still be about CAD$6 million.

So, in theory, July 1st, they will be down to CAD$17.1 million.

Stornoway has about CAD$12.1 million in debt payments due on Dec. 31st. It is tough to find a scenario where they will have that amount of cash to service that debt at that time.

" Solvency is the ability of a company to meet its long-term debts and financial obligations. Solvency is essential to staying in business as it demonstrates a company's ability to continue operations into the foreseeable future."

The balance is quickly slipping to the other side of solvency.